Category: Uncategorized
We’re rolling out Swim Evaluations to help you see, track and understand your progress
Learning Mindset — A Great Article

I came across an article through Facebook on the learning mindset that helps children be successful learners. I don’t usually like to publish articles about parenting. I recall bristling at the advice I would get from total strangers in elevators about how to help my baby daughter stop crying. However, Carol…
Thoughts on “Salon” article about different types of practice
My office manager forwarded an article from the Sunday April 20th edition of Salon called “Ditch the 10,000 Hour Rule.” It takes the position that improving your skills is not just about grinding out the 10,000 hours of practice that Malcolm Gladwell allegedly depicts in his books. Whether it’s an…
Fist Swimming — It’s all Finesse not a UFC Tryout
One of the best ways to improve your freestyle is to incorporate “fist” swimming into your practices. Of course, you would never know this because all of my swimmers groan or mutter profanities under their breath whenever I assign it at swim practice. If you read most triathlon books or…
Big Shoulders 2009 — 19 Blue Dolphins Represent!
We had a great turnout for the Big Shoulders 2.5 and 5K open water swim this past Saturday September 12th. In the 5K division, we had 12 swimmers compete and we had 4 swimmers place in the top 50 overall — Tim Carlson (13, 1:01.02), Justin Chiles (18, 1:02.03), Rob…