Category: CBD Swim Studio
News and updates about the CBD Swim Studio
Misconceptions on the Freestyle Straight-Arm Recovery

I was going through my stack of swimming rags yesterday, and I came across an interesting analysis of the straight-arm recovery in freestyle in Swimming World’s December, 2014 issue (“Freestyle Straight-Arm Recovery” by Rod Havriluk). The article’s main intent is to put to the test the conventional wisdom that a…
Tempo vs. Speed — Why improving efficiency makes a faster stroke feel slower
When I was teaching Week 4 of my Monday night triathlon swimming class for the Chicago Triathlon Club, I had a swimmer ask me why she felt slower after we had started to rework her timing, balance, and vessel shape. I’ve introduced the Total Immersion Perpetual Motion Freestyle stroke drills…
Swimming on Your Back at a Public Pool
I was working with a client this morning and we were talking about swimming on the back. New swimmers have some discomfort with swimming on the back because (a) they can’t see where they are going and don’t want to hit the wall, and (b) they can’t swim straight and…
What should my stroke count be?
I was reading through the Total Immersion Coaches Manual and came across a helpful chart. It provides a general stroke count range based on the height of the swimmer. A couple of caveats: 1) If your count is above the range, don’t think that you have to start swimming in…
Baby Swimming Benefits in the “Chicago Tribune”
While I don’t like to promote baby swimming as a way to create a master race of super-children, this article in Sunday May 2nd issue of the Chicago Tribune is one of many that say that children really benefit from baby swim classes. I’m also not a big fan of the…
Swimming Myth: Swimming with Paddles is a Great Way to Get Stronger in the Water
I thank Steve Tarpinian and his webinar “Swim Myths” for inspiring and providing some of the information in this post. I get asked a lot by my swimmers is they should swim with paddles to get stronger in the water. I’m not a big fan of this strategy mainly because…
Finding the Right Pair of Goggles (Pt. 2 — For the Blind)
Finding the Right Pair of Goggles (Pt. 1)
I get this question a million times: “My goggles leak when I swim. What are the right size goggles for me?” There are a ton of goggles out there in the market of all different shapes and sizes. You want to find a pair that fit into your eye sockets…
New CBD Coaches
If you’ve been at swim practice over the last few weeks, you might have seen some new faces on the deck — three in fact. CBD welcomes Jed Breen, George Adcock, and Lizza Igoe to our staff. Jed and George will be coaching primarily in the mornings and you’ll see…